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the heavenearth revision

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written by

nate miles




as a nation, we are in a spiritual crisis

America faces a deep spiritual crisis. Despite technological and economic advancements, a pervasive sense of emptiness and disillusionment has taken hold. The erosion of traditional values and moral foundations leaves many grappling for meaning and purpose.

This crisis manifests in several ways: a significant rise in depression and anxiety, particularly among young people, indicating profound disconnection and lack of inner peace; increasing polarization and division, with widening political and social divides due to animosity and intolerance, hindering our ability to address critical national issues; a decline in trust in institutions such as government, media, and religious organizations, fostering cynicism and hopelessness; and the dominance of materialism and consumerism, which prioritizes material possessions and instant gratification over genuine connection and lasting fulfillment, leaving many feeling empty despite outward success.

Coinciding with these ailments, there's a rise in people claiming spirituality while experiencing a decrease in religious affiliation. This postmodern spirituality, however, is often not rooted in anything concrete, tending to be based on a hodgepodge selection of New Age thinking and "sounds-true-isms." The desire for spiritual health is genuine, but its practice, I would argue, is often misguided.

Intriguingly, the human brain is designed to experience God and benefit from that connection. Neuroscientists Andrew Newberg, MD, and Mark Waldman, in "How God Changes the Brain," state that "religious and spiritual contemplation changes your brain in a profoundly different way because it strengthens a unique neural circuit that specifically enhances social awareness and empathy while subduing destructive feelings and emotions." They also write, "the evidence is clear that religious involvement has little downside and very often has a beneficial effect, especially when one feels positive about his or her religious beliefs. And sometimes the benefits are spectacular.” Their book further explores how one's conception of God matters: meditating on a loving God yields benefits, while an angry, vengeful God causes psychological harm.

Traditional Christianity and its Church provide structure and community for one's spiritual journey. It is a spiritual fullness rooted in something concrete, tracing back thousands of years. This concrete foundation provides Christianity as a unique source of truth and spiritual guidance. Christianity sprang from historical facts not disputed among today’s scholars: Jesus of Nazareth existed, preached a message of God’s kingdom, and was crucified. Disputes arise only concerning his resurrection and divine sonship. The compelling evidence is that early Christians believed he rose from the dead, radically changing their lives. The disciples, initially terrified, became bold preachers, setting the course for global change. This message led to their martyrdom, with no recantations.

No serious theory has disproved Jesus’ resurrection. Theories like mass hallucination and stolen body have been debunked. It’s understandable to find the resurrection hard to believe, but it’s not fair to treat believers as delusional. It is, remarkably, the most compelling conclusion to the historical evidence.

For some, Jesus’ resurrection is unfathomable, but so is the universe's origin. If quantum fluctuations can randomly spark life from nothing—leading to galaxies, black holes, and planets—then surely God can raise Christ from the dead. The Christian hope is that God will resurrect all in the new creation. If God created the universe from nothing once, why not again?

defining heaven

To understand heaven accurately, we need to revisit the original context of the Christian faith.  N.T. Wright, a leading New Testament scholar, highlights the distinction between the early Christian worldview and the later influence of Platonic philosophy.

Early Christians, rooted in Jewish tradition, believed that God's kingdom would transform this world. Heaven and earth were seen as interconnected, with the divine spilling over into our reality. This is not an escapist view, but one that anticipates the resurrection and a renewed creation where God's people participate in stewardship.

This contrasts with the Platonic notion of heaven as a distant, ethereal realm separate from the physical world. This idea, reinforced by figures like Dante and Michelangelo, has shaped popular conceptions of the afterlife. However, Jesus' resurrection exemplifies the fusion of heaven and earth. The goal is not to escape this world, but to see it transformed by the life of heaven.

Therefore, we are called to partner with God in making this world more heavenly. This is not a passive waiting for an afterlife, but an active engagement with the present, using our creativity, free will, and effort to bring about God's kingdom on earth.

In essence, heaven is not a far-off place, but a reality that intersects with our world. We can experience glimpses of heaven in the beauty of nature, the joy of relationships, and the pursuit of truth and goodness. Our task is to cultivate these aspects of heaven in our lives and in the world around us, recognizing that this world matters and is destined for renewal.

bridging the sacred and the secular

A pervasive challenge in contemporary Christianity is the artificial separation between the sacred and the secular.  heavenearth rejects this dichotomy, emphasizing the freedom to pursue excellence in all aspects of life—business, family, science, art—and recognizing the potential for God's presence in every sphere. This aligns with the Apostle Paul's exhortation in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

The brand recognizes the inherent human drives for adventure, achievement, relationships, community, and action. It seeks to channel these motivations toward the pursuit of God, acknowledging that Jesus' promise of abundant life in John 10:10 encompasses both the present and the eternal.  This is evident in Jesus' ministry, where he healed the sick, fed the hungry, and calmed the storm, demonstrating God's power and compassion in the here and now.

However, this understanding requires careful balance. The concept of God's blessings in the present can be distorted into a prosperity gospel or unhealthy views of power.  While Nietzsche's concept of the "Will to Power" and the "Übermensch" highlight the importance of self-mastery and striving for greatness, heavenearth emphasizes that true transformation comes from the Holy Spirit, not merely human effort.

The brand encourages integrating advancements in science, technology, and modern life with a deep reverence for God.  It seeks a harmonious balance between an overemphasis on religion that disengages from the world and a purely secular worldview that sees self-improvement as the ultimate solution.  This integration is exemplified by individuals like Francis Collins, a renowned scientist and Christian, who demonstrates the compatibility of faith and scientific inquiry.

In essence, heavenearth promotes a holistic approach to life, where faith infuses every aspect of our being and inspires us to pursue excellence in all that we do, for the glory of God and the betterment of the world.

nature as a
starting point

In our fast-paced modern world, it's easy to overlook the divine presence that permeates our surroundings. Yet, the natural world offers a potent antidote to this oversight. Immersing ourselves in nature—whether amidst the vast ocean, towering mountains, or serene woodlands—profoundly enriches our well-being. Science validates this experience, demonstrating that time spent outdoors reduces stress hormones, elevates mood-enhancing neurochemicals, and sharpens cognitive function. Furthermore, the sheer beauty and intricate complexity of nature inspire awe and wonder, fostering a profound sense of connection to something larger than ourselves and facilitating spiritual renewal. Nature, in essence, provides a sacred space where we can encounter the divine and deepen our connection with God.

It's crucial to clarify that this deep appreciation for nature does not equate to pantheism, the belief that God is identical with the universe. While we acknowledge the divine presence within nature, we maintain a clear distinction between Creator and creation. As Thomas Aquinas, the esteemed theologian and philosopher, articulated, "God is not nature, but the author of nature." Nature, in its splendor and complexity, reflects God's glory, yet it is not God itself. Aquinas further elucidates that "the natural world is a mirror reflecting the divine beauty," inviting us to contemplate the Creator through His handiwork.

By immersing ourselves in the natural world, we open ourselves to experiencing God's presence in a tangible way. We become grounded in the realization that heaven is not merely a future aspiration, but a present reality accessible through the beauty, wonder, and restorative power of nature. This connection with nature can serve as a vital starting point for a deeper spiritual journey, inspiring us to seek and cultivate heaven in every facet of our lives.

excellence, rooted in God's presence

King David serves as a powerful model to follow. He was a fierce warrior, unapologetic in his ambitions, yet he always prioritized his relationship with God. With a tender heart, he played the lyre and wrote poetry, composing a significant portion of the Psalms found in the Bible. David was far from perfect, but he carried himself with the confidence and power to defeat Goliath and establish the kingdom of Israel, all while recognizing his dependence on God's presence in his life.

heavenearth champions this model of excellence. It's about pursuing excellence in all areas of life, empowered by the abundant life promised by Jesus in John 10:10. This also resonates with what Paul wrote in Colossians 3:23: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord."

However, this pursuit is not about chasing unattainable perfection. While acknowledging the positive intent of self-improvement culture, heavenearth recognizes the pitfalls of endless striving. True excellence stems from a relationship with God, with lasting transformation arising from grace, not relentless effort.
This doesn't suggest an easy life, but rather that growth and excellence can flourish from a place of inner peace and joy—an experience of heaven within. Prioritizing God and cultivating self-discipline transform life's challenges from a stressful race into a more joyful dance. This reflects the fruits of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22-23: "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

a call to action

We've explored the depths of our spiritual needs, the historical grounding of our faith, and the harmonious integration of the sacred and secular. Now, this understanding must translate into action. heavenearth is not merely a philosophical framework, but a catalyst for living a transformed life.

Consider the narrative of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit's descent wasn't an invitation to theological debate, but a powerful impetus for immediate action. The disciples, empowered, moved beyond their fears and transformed their world. This same Spirit, the one that bridges the gap between heaven and earth, calls us to do the same.
Often, fear holds us back. We envision radical, disruptive changes, a complete uprooting of our lives. But God's call is often more nuanced, more attuned to our unique gifts and passions. Remember, we’ve discussed how God's presence is found within nature, within our work, and within our relationships. Therefore, our "action" may be found in those very places.

Imagine your faith fueling your ambition, your talents becoming instruments of divine purpose. Perhaps it’s a commitment to ethical leadership in your workplace, reflecting the values of God’s kingdom. Perhaps it’s a dedication to scientific discovery, revealing the wonders of God’s creation. Or perhaps it’s a steadfast commitment to your community, embodying the love and compassion of Christ.

heavenearth invites you to embrace a life infused with purpose, where ambition and faith coexist in harmony. This is not a call to escape the world, but to engage it, to bring the transformative power of heaven into every sphere of life. We are called to be like King David, who relied on God in the midst of battles and wrote Psalms while ruling a kingdom.

We’ve seen how excellence, rooted in God’s presence, can transform our lives. Now, let’s translate that excellence into tangible action. Let’s move beyond the comfortable confines of contemplation and embrace the dynamic, often messy, reality of living out our faith. Let us, like the early disciples, allow the truth of Jesus Christ to propel us into a world that desperately needs His light. This is our call: to unleash heaven on earth, one inspired action at a time.

core beliefs

heavenearth is founded on orthodox Christian teachings: Jesus as the Son of God, His death, resurrection, and the forgiveness of sins. The Resurrection marks a new era where we strive to bring heaven to earth through love, action, and boldness. The brand explores the practical implications of seeking the Kingdom of God, encompassing everything from miraculous healings to breakthroughs in everyday aspects of life. It promotes living in the freedom to recognize God's awe and beauty in all things.

In this context, heavenearth emerges as a brand deeply rooted in Christian beliefs, yet it seeks to inspire individuals from all walks of life. It reintroduces essential Christian teachings, making them applicable to the modern world. The core belief is that God desires us to experience heaven in the beauty of creation and through our actions to make the world more heavenly. This concept is reflected in the Lord's Prayer, where Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)

This belief is grounded in a deep faith in humanity's potential. heavenearth encourages a life that balances a relationship with God and embracing wisdom from science, philosophy, technology, and art. Recognizing the connection between heaven and earth allows us to see the beauty in all good things, both inside and outside the Church. For instance, the scientific discoveries about the vastness and complexity of the universe can evoke a sense of awe and wonder, pointing towards a divine Creator.

the thesis

  • problem 1: christians misunderstand heaven.

  • problem 2: christians overemphasize heaven after death, neglecting heaven here and now.

  • problem 3: this distorts the outsider view of christianity, hiding its true power and beauty.

  • problem 4: real-world problem-solving is left to those without God-centered values.

  • solution 1: clarify the “heaven on earth” ideology.

  • solution 2: learn to experience heaven’s present reality.

  • solution 3: learn to make the world more like heaven.

  • solution 4: embrace truth, science, technology, and pursue excellence rooted in God’s presence.

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